Tuesday 25 April 2006

time for a change

I think it's about that time.........
I was driving home from the outlaws place tonight after I dropped Ant off to pick up his car and I think I need a little make over. A new hair style and colour, and new clothes and I might even start going out at night. Well, maybe not go out at night, lol.
I think my mid life crisis has hit a bit early. Or maybe is it because my bloody husband would rather drink beer than spend time with us at the moment and then tells me he's working all these extra hours for "us".
OK, the whinge is now off the chest. And it's time to move on, lol.

Connor has his paediatrition appointment tomorrow. I hope it all goes well. He seems to be better within himself and is calming himself down, so that's a good thing. If all goes well I might treat the kids to the movies in the afternoon and go and see Ice Age 2. That's if they don't drive me nuts before that. And then tomorrow night I'm off again to do another class with Alison Shearer at Scrapabout Australia. Yes, must remember photos and paper trimmer this week, lol.

Scrap Girls is getting there. I re-packed everything today so all classes and creation station stuff are all together. I need more plastic tubs! But the challenge will be fitting them all plus my tote into the Excel. I may end up taking the trailer.
I've just got all the notes and stuff to type up and print out. Yep better go buy another print cartridge tomorrow. Gotta love Officeworks.

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