Monday 3 April 2006

feeling a little anxious

In a few hours I'm off to take Connor to the pyschologists. And I'm feeling a little anxious about it. I'm not sure what to expect from the whole thing. I know I wont get answers and he wont miraculously turn into a "good" boy again.
In other words I'm feeling LOST.
He has been banned from the TV since wednesday but I just had to cave in this morning cause he's driving me nuts. He's been on a high for the past 2 days and has not shut up, so I thought if I out the tv on I know he'll just sit there and watch it and hopefully I'll have quiet for a few minutes, maybe more.
I think I might go and do some housework to try and take my mind off things for a while. Like HOUSEWORK will help, lol

1 comment:

Sheree Milne said...

Good luck today hon.. ill be thinking about u.. take care and call me if you need to have a cry.. im at work tonight but give me a call there if you need to... wednesday can be a stress free day... a-z album sounds great cant wait... talk to you soon