Friday, 9 May 2008

grandparents day

today was grandparents day at the kids school.
my mum and both of anthony's parents both went along for the morning of activities.
i have no doubt in my mind that all the money that we pay to send both our children to private school is worth every single penny. when the school principal knows all the children's names and know the majority of which family members belong to each child. And the staff....... they are so dedicated and caring with all the children not just the ones in their class for that year.

anyways...... i got a little side tracked........ both shanice and connor had been working on performances with their classes for the grandparents. Connor's class did several songs, helps when the junior primary choir teacher is his class teacher and Shanice did a poetry type play. She had several lines to read, as each child did, and they way she delivered it was very dramatic. I have been saying for quite some time now that she is a drama queen!
They got to spend time with the kids in their class rooms and do little projects with them.
in the library they always have a book fair where you can buy and donate books to the school library and buy some for yourself. my two always manage a book each. Connor got a mini microscope and accompanying book and Shanice got a diary and pen. connor has now been asking for samples of real human blood to test under the microscope! god love him......
the high school food technology kids put on a fabulous morning tea, mum and pat were raving about it. maybe i should ask the year 9 girls for some cooking tips.
at 12.30 the grandparents were allowed to take the children home, so by 12.45 i had a noisy houseful again, lol. so we went down the club for some yummy lunch. the kids got to play in the park, we got to chat and mum won $80 on the pokies!

tomorrow anthony is taking Shanice on a "Daddy Daughter Date", they are going to see Ironman at the movies. i wish i was going too, but instead i taking connor down to see Tracy and the kids.
should be heaps of fun, we have got some serious pattern making to do tomorrow cause i have some grand plans, lol. typical kylie, always dreaming of the big ideas.

i did some scrapping this week. i was feeling a bit motivated which doesn't happen a lot but of late i'm loving it all over again. i finished the mini album i was working on about Skye's hens day and i cant wait to show the girls in 2 weeks when we go to breakfast. and i have the wedding album ready to go, i just need some transparency's!

i haven't taken a piccie of the mini album cause i could figure out the best way to do it justice. maybe trac will have a few hints tomorrow...... hint, hint.

gosh, two posts in one day, lol, i must not be feeling well. i'm probably trying to catch up on all the times i forget to blog.
Happy Mother's Day for sunday everyone

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Glad the kids had a lovely day with the grandparents, and well done Heather on the win!!!
Love the layout, bout time you did some more scrapping!!!
Very subtle Miss Kylie ;)... Soooo looking forward to today, see you when you get here!!!
Trac x