Thursday, 29 May 2008

today's the day

i'm sooooooooooooo excited!!!
it's going to hurt a little bit, but for some odd reason getting tatts don't hurt me. it's going to be fun trying to drive home, i wont be able to sit back against my seat.
edited to add: here's the pics
not great shots, as they were done in crappy light and so i could show mum (she's seeing them tomorrow anyway - go figure). I'll get trac to take a better pic this weekend.
Sam did the most amazing job. the lines are just perfect and for a 24 year old he has a fantastic future ahead of him. so if you want a great tattooist - sam at wicked ink, penrith is highly recommended.
sam thought the lotus would be better at the nape of my neck as i have such a sway back it would get lost under the symbols, and i love it there.
dad would be so proud of me. i spoke to him while i was driving home after i got it. he'd give me a hard time but he'd love it, i know. mum also wanted the photos to show dad. i know it's completely corning and we cant let go, but he is a part of our family still and we want to include him in the things that we do. last week mandy had he ultra sound photos there to show him the bebe, so now this week it's my turn.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

going button crazy

anthony came in to the backroom last night and pronounce "OMG!! not another craft!"
yep, i'm going button crazy....... making my own buttons.

so far i think i've made about 45 buttons. the kids are loving helping me choose colours to go together and little designs to go on top of the round ones. i've also done a stack of cute cupcakes, some flip flops, ice cream cones, balloons and flowers.
i can't actually sit still when watching tv at night so this is a great thing to keep my fingers busy!
i've also got grand plans for a stack of cupcake projects too.
and while talking of cupcakes....... i'm updating my sidebar with a heap of new cupcake links.

connor is at home with me today. he's not sick, he's just not in a good place atm and i just can't snap him out of it. i've tried all sorts of different strategies that we haven't done in the past but so far nothing is working. today he awoke in a really bad mood and rather than subject the other children in his class to this i've thought it best to keep him at home just for today. i found a stack of shanice's old year 3 work books so i've spent the morning copying the pages and so far he has completed about 2 maths pages, 2 handwriting pages and 1 comprehension page.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

ink & rangers

so right now i have some fantastic news and some pain in the arse news.
starting with the good news.......... being a woman it is my prerogative to change my mind and that is exactly what i have done about my tattoo. i went up to wicked ink this morning and saw sam who is doing my tatt on thursday. i told him my concerns as to where i wanted my ink and that i'd now like to change it. i spent this morning moving all the symbols to a vertical pattern, so i can now have the tattoo running down my spine.
i did think of it going in a circle but i just dont know where to put it!
sam is going to design a lotus for me too to go at the bottom of the tattoo. i'm really happy now. it's going to be heaps bigger than i originally had it, and that makes me even happier.
i also got a price for the next tatt - my pirate faerie, that is going down my side. sam suggested i get a matching angel on the other side and i think that is an awesome idea.

now onto the pain in the arse news........ my ranger has been ordered - YAY!!!! but it's going to take 8 weeks before it arrives! there is not one in australia in the colour i want so ford has to make it and then add my specifications. grrrrrrrr........ not happy.
but at least i know it is brand spanking new when it arrives.

Quote of the week

The world is divided into two kinds of people:
those who have tattoos,
and those who are afraid of people with tattoos.
~Author Unknown

Friday, 23 May 2008

a day of mixed emotions

yesterday was a mix of emotions. at lunch time i headed off to macquarie park to attend renee's funeral. it was so tragically sad. dallas and mel met me out the front cause i didn't think i would be able to do it. it was held in the same chapel as dad's. but i did it.... it was extremely hard and difficult for me but i had to distant myself and realise that i wasn't there for myself i was there to support my friend who had lost her younger sister.
watching b, her mum and renee's 3 beautiful children was awful. my heart just went out to them all and i just wanted to give them a big hug. renee's partner got up and spoke, which must have been extremely hard for him, but renee would have been so proud, he loved her so much. and the song they played made everyone break down and cry.
i'm so glad i was there...... and to be a part in renee's life even if it was only a small part.

i came home to pick up the kids from school, no teachers strike for private schools! and i gave them an extra big hug.
shanice has been going thru a rough time with her friends at the moment and she didn't get picked to perform in a mixed school choir as they gave preference to year 6 kids. my heart broke again for the second time yesterday as i couldn't take away her pain and dissapointment. i tried to explain as best i could that as a child there will be times when you dont get picked either to perform as a group in a teamsport. i told her that it happen to all kids and it happened to mummy and daddy and it made us really really sad at the time, but it will be ok.
still it hurts. and for 2 days now she's been so sad.

we headed off to connors swimming lesson at 3.45 as we do on thursdays now. 2 days a week we go swimming and i think the kid love. i like the quiet time when i can read a book, something i haven't done in such a long time and i'm really loving it.

pat and michael came over to baby sit for us last night so anthony and i could go and see this.....

i'm such an indi freak, lol. helloooooo didn't i name my dog indiana jones?
it was fan-bloody-tastic. it was corny in bits but really tongue in cheek and i loved every minute of it.
but before we went and got our tickets we had to stop in at wicked ink to book in for my new tattoo. mum and mandy if you reading this, do not go any further or don't yell at me!
i wanted to extend my "om" tattoo on my ankle, but because i got that because it's dads tatt and it's on the same leg, same side of the right leg etc i came to conclusion that extending it would take away from it being "dad's". i really want the complete mantra as i really identify with all the symbols. sooooooo i am booked in for next thursday at 12.30pm to get.......
down my left arm, from the inner elbow to the inner wrist. it's a huge thing to get a tatt that's going to be so visible, but it's what i want and it's my body and my artist expression.
oh, sam is going to going to girlify it for me so it's not to chunky and is tasteful and pretty.
i'm so excited!!!!!!
the meanings, incase anyone out there wants to know.....
Reading from left to right the syllables are:
Om (ohm)
Ma (mah)
Ni (nee)
Pad (pahd)
Me (may)
Hum (hum)

Om purifies bliss and pride (realm of the gods)
Ma purifies jealousy and need for entertainment (realm of the jealous gods)
Ni purifies passion and desire (human realm)
Pad purifies ignorance and prejudice (animal realm)
Me purifies poverty and possessiveness (realm of the hungry ghosts)
Hum purifies aggression and hatred (hell realm)

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Quote of the Week

this is my all time favourite quote and i use it regularly, lol

"We’re not lost. We’re locationally challenged!"
- John M. Ford

Monday, 19 May 2008

weekend of scrapping

i had the most awesome weekend..............................
on friday lunch time i set off to pick up Chantelle from her house at Rouse Hill and we were off to our weekend away scrapping at La Perouse. We went on an "adventure" getting there as went a different way as we planned, but we didn't get lost and got there in about 45 minutes.
Tracy and Sherri had gotten there a little bit before us and had already unpacked all their stuff.
What a gorgeous place. The views were amazing and i could have quite happily spent the entire weekend sitting on the verandah soaking up the the sun and peace & quiet, but i was on a mission to scrap! Not much was on my agenda, but i set myself a goal of :
* 1 layout
* deciding what to do with a class for the july retreat
* starting mandy's pregnancy journal

well........ i surpassed my own expectations and completed 3 layouts, decided what to do with the christmas class and started it, started the pregnancy journal and did 5 tags about the weekend. I'm so chuffed, lol. anyone that knows me knows that i'm a procrastinator and would much rather chat and watch others scrap than do anything myself!
here are a pics of my layouts.
i dont think i've laughed so hard for ages. it was so good to get away with some fabulous friends that i feel so comfortable around. we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted and it was wonderful to have that sort of freedom even if it was only for 2 days.
on saturday we decided it was such a glorious day that we should make the most of it and go for a little wander around. i think we were gone over 2 hours and it was great. we checked out the "castle" and then went down to bear island and walked around it. it was hilarious setting up the cameras to take the group photos, lol. you girls know what i'm on about! it is so picturesque there and i so want to take my little kidlets down there for a photo shoot, i'd go biserk!
yesterday, that being sunday we weren't in any hurry or rush to pack up and i dont think i had any idea what time we actually did leave. i think it was after we all finished our last layout.
i eventually got home at 6.30 just in time to make the kids a bit of dinner, give them big squeezes and tuck them into bed.
i can't wait till the next time we go!
........ photo to come soon when we swap each others piccies.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

sad day

this morning i awoke to hear the morning new and it was just awful..........
a friend that i grew up with sister died this morning and her two youngest were injured. i feel so sad and empty and just awful. my heart goes out to the family
it's so sad.....
her eldest child was not hurt and is the same age as shancie and i remember always running into her when we were both pregnant as the cercumstances were similar. and my mum saw her last week......
my prayers and thoughts are with you B.........

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Pet Diaries

08:00 am - Dog food! My favourite thing!
09:30 am - A car ride! My favourite thing!
09:40 am - A walk in the park! My favourite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favourite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favourite thing!
01:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favourite thing!
03:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favourite thing!
05:00 pm - Schmackos! My favourite thing!
07:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favourite thing!
08:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favourite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favourite thing!

Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.
Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
This morning I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Quote of the Week

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.
~Ruth E. Renkl

Monday, 12 May 2008

mums day

i love being a mum!
ever since i was about 18 and in high school i knew that this is what i wanted to do with my life. i get so much joy and pride seeing the happy laughter from my childrens faces.
sure motherhood can be tricky and more often than not i find myself yelling like a banshee, but i wouldn't change a thing.
i received a handmade card from each of my kids yesterday as well as one each that was store bought, and on Connor's card he wrote "he loves me cause i'm the best mum and in the world and because i make his lunch". what more could i ask for. all the material pressies (that were divine i might add) didn't mean as much as this card. i will treasure it.

we went to Crosslands for a picnic lunch, which is were we spend family fun day. it was packed, so different as to when we normally go and it's quiet. the kids played in the park, rode their bikes and ran off all their excess energy.

mum, mandy, pat and michael emt us there and it was such a nice family day. bot many photos to share unfortunately as i was too busy being caught up with enjoying myself.

Friday, 9 May 2008

grandparents day

today was grandparents day at the kids school.
my mum and both of anthony's parents both went along for the morning of activities.
i have no doubt in my mind that all the money that we pay to send both our children to private school is worth every single penny. when the school principal knows all the children's names and know the majority of which family members belong to each child. And the staff....... they are so dedicated and caring with all the children not just the ones in their class for that year.

anyways...... i got a little side tracked........ both shanice and connor had been working on performances with their classes for the grandparents. Connor's class did several songs, helps when the junior primary choir teacher is his class teacher and Shanice did a poetry type play. She had several lines to read, as each child did, and they way she delivered it was very dramatic. I have been saying for quite some time now that she is a drama queen!
They got to spend time with the kids in their class rooms and do little projects with them.
in the library they always have a book fair where you can buy and donate books to the school library and buy some for yourself. my two always manage a book each. Connor got a mini microscope and accompanying book and Shanice got a diary and pen. connor has now been asking for samples of real human blood to test under the microscope! god love him......
the high school food technology kids put on a fabulous morning tea, mum and pat were raving about it. maybe i should ask the year 9 girls for some cooking tips.
at 12.30 the grandparents were allowed to take the children home, so by 12.45 i had a noisy houseful again, lol. so we went down the club for some yummy lunch. the kids got to play in the park, we got to chat and mum won $80 on the pokies!

tomorrow anthony is taking Shanice on a "Daddy Daughter Date", they are going to see Ironman at the movies. i wish i was going too, but instead i taking connor down to see Tracy and the kids.
should be heaps of fun, we have got some serious pattern making to do tomorrow cause i have some grand plans, lol. typical kylie, always dreaming of the big ideas.

i did some scrapping this week. i was feeling a bit motivated which doesn't happen a lot but of late i'm loving it all over again. i finished the mini album i was working on about Skye's hens day and i cant wait to show the girls in 2 weeks when we go to breakfast. and i have the wedding album ready to go, i just need some transparency's!

i haven't taken a piccie of the mini album cause i could figure out the best way to do it justice. maybe trac will have a few hints tomorrow...... hint, hint.

gosh, two posts in one day, lol, i must not be feeling well. i'm probably trying to catch up on all the times i forget to blog.
Happy Mother's Day for sunday everyone


i feel like utter, utter shit! in a nut shell
i haven't slept all week and have found myself on several occasions screaming at my kids out of my frustration and hurt. and they are the innocent ones. and then they have found me sitting on the floor in the kitchen sobbing, and i cant tell a 9 and 7 year old why?
i was sitting here not 5 minutes ago bawling my eyes out and when i realised that my profile had been completely deleted not just moved and i actually threw up. i dont want to have to remove links, but i think i've been given the nod to say "F#@! you kylie", and i'm presuming from this gesture that they want me to give them the same courtesy.
im not a bad person, i'm a very sensitive and caring person, i know i have made mistakes and i have accepted the blame for that but all i wanted was the opportunity to express my feelings not pass the blame. but i not allowed that, i'm only allowed to hear one side. looks like i dont count
i came home yesterday to be blacklisted and i just dont understand. it seems that all the decisions have been made for me without any part of it.

i know your reading this........ i've taken the blame, i've accepted it was all my fault. i am so empty that i have lost 2 friends from this....i'm not trying to hurt you i just wanted to have the very same opportunity as you to voice my side and maybe we could have all felt better saying it face to face rather than the inexpensiveness of thru emails. face to face you would have seen how sincere i am, but i've been shut out and not allowed in even though i know i'm the BAD person here!

I apologise for putting this on MY blog, but it is my personal blog and as you can see from previous posts i write about my feelings regularly and this is how i am feeling right now.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

quote of the week

i have decided that Tuesday is going to be Quote of the Week day on my blog. I have even scheduled reminders in outlook to pop up on tuesdays so i can search for the perfect quote inspire myself and others that read my blog.
i been reading blogs for some time now, and you see all the people posting a photo a day, a post a day and such like, and i'm not that great at keeping up with that sort of thing, but a Quote a Week is much more manageable.
Hope you like this weeks chosen quote.

A friend is someone who upon
seeing another friend in immense pain,
would rather be the one experiencing the
pain than to have to watch their friend suffer.

Monday, 5 May 2008

girls weekend

YAY!!!!! we have put final touches on our girls weekend tonight.
I am so looking foward to it. It is exactly what i need right now.
the weekend after mothers day we are headed off to a gorgeous ocean view waterfront appartment at La Perouse.
No Kids, No Cooking, No Husbands, and 4 great girlfriends. A weekend full of wine and scrapping. What more could a girl ask for!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

i'm soooooo

LOVING, these right now
now, as most people know i'm not a huge coffee drinker, but during last weeks trip to get grocery's i picked up the chocolate mudcake latte and OMG - divine! i'm in love with this coffee. I've finished the packet already and instead of taking coke everywhere i go i take my coffee.
well i'm off to have another coffee and to put the finishing touches on my hen's day mini album.