Shanice has been finding it very difficult to cope and understand why Grandad is so sick and has been very clingy to me and extremely emotionally lately.
well today was her cross country. our school doesn't get the parents as involved with it as much as the althelics or swimming carnivals but i thought to show support to shanice i'd pop along at her time to race. she was a bit nervous, but i thought she would do quite well as she rans well. she's never been to little athletics or anything, but you know when you can just get a vibe from a child.
all she wanted to do was beat the other girls in her year that she doesn't like and that pick on her, lol, god love her.
well she did, and she came in better than what i ever thought she would.
SHE CAME 6TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i had to take a few pics to take up and show mum and dad, so i'll share them now incase they read this before we go up on the weekend.
we are back to swimming leasons for both shanice and connor this afternoon which should be fun. it's been quite a sporting day here for the sheppard-morris kids.
Way to go Shanice - that's awesome!!
that is awesome - well done shanice!!!!
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