Tuesday, 2 December 2008

craft knives & dvd's

yesterday evening proved to be .................. adventurous, for lack of a better word!
We had a yummy lasagna for dinner and afterwards while it was still warm and sunny outside Anthony took the kids out the front to play with Connor's rip stick (a fancy skateboard he got for his birthday).
they were having a ball till Connor fell over. Not from the rip stick but from running!
i thought to my self that i could have 5 minutes quiet and i could start another Christmas pressie. That was going great guns, i glue the first piece of paper on the front of the album, then picked up my craft knife to start cutting and totally not watching what i was doing stuck my thumb into the blade.
OMG!!!!!! it so hurt and blood was squirting out everywhere. i seriously thought that it may need a stitch, lol. So needless to say no more scrapbooking got done last night.
Then i got a bit bored with nothing on tv and Anthony hogging the foxtel, i decided to pull ALL our dvd's out of ALL the cupboards and put them in alphabetical order!
This is my very own little OCD thing i have and i blame it on being a VIRGO!
The kids thought it was Christmas and pretty much i just sat back and watched them put all the movies into piles. The problem with working in a video shop for 18 years is that you end up with a HUGE collection. We only sorted mine and Anthony's movies, not the tv series or the kids! I think there was about 700 dvd's - hideous!
My dilemma had not concluded! When the kids went to bed i put all the movies back on the shelves and into the 2 cupboards, then.................... i sat in front of the shelf for 30 minutes cause there was too much to pick from. I thought it would be easier, but NO! i finally found something though, lol.
And lastly.................... anthony went to leave to go to work this morning at 6.30am and before he left he found this..................................
In Connor's room watching Sponebob, and not fighting, they saved that for when i got up!

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