Wednesday, 26 July 2006

those pics

Hopefully blogger will allow me to upload my photos now - grrrr!!!!

I've had Shanice now home for 2 days. She's starting to drive me a little nuts. It all started with a terrible barking cough and is now a sore throat and cough. I knew her teacher would send her home straight away after she did one little bark, so I decided to keep her home. She is under strict instructions today "not to come out of her room" expect for food and toilet, lol. Lucky girl has a tv, dvd amd playstation in there so why would she want to come out.

I've been spending most of my nights working on the new website. Which I just don't like and I keep changing my mind as to what I want it to look like. So I think I may have to do a make do job for now and go to tafe next year and learn to do it properly.

Because Shanice has been sick I haven't had a chance to work on the 2nd PBA I have here, but the photos are now printed and I've got a plan. With some luck I hope to make a start on it today.

Off to Scrapabout tonight for a class. Can't wait to get out of this crazy house and talk to adults for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love those 2 pages Kylie... gorgeous work girl... see you tonight