Tuesday, 19 September 2006

the never ending backyard saga....

well that's what it seems like anyway. Last November we bought one of those pools from KMart for $100, well it's still in it's box with the original plastic shrink on it. Becuase of the dog we were too afaid to leave it up in the back yard thinking we'd come home to a back yard underwater cause the dog would have clawed it and broken it. So we decided to put up a fence were the old cubby was, well this became the never ending saga, it seemed get put off at every opportunity, but finally got finished a few months ago.
Winter was here so what was the point! So last weekend Anthony started to unpack all the pavers we'd collected and bring them round the back to start the mamoth job. But it looked like a little jungle on the other side of the fence, lol. So the past weekend Ant spent diggin out the weeds, grass and whatever else was in there.
I am starting to believe that Shanice and Connor may get their pool this summer. It's not huge (2.4 metres) but enough for them to cool off and thats all they really need. Hey if get that hot I may sit in it, lol, I doubt it will ever get THAT hot!

We had a lot of rain last week which was fantastic, and Ant had left the wheel barrow out, I think to catch some of down pour, well it was chokers. So when it fined up, I let the kids out to play and what was the first thing they go to - the water. My initial reaction was "get the camera!", not often this happens, normally I'd start yelling for them to get out of it, but they must have done it on a "good day", I just figured, hey if they get wet they can get changed.
2 days in a row they did this before the water in the wheel barrow got too muddy to play in.

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