Saturday, 24 December 2005

XMAS EVE .........

YAY! It's Christmas eve. I love this time of year.
well, I did up until about 11am this morning when I had both Shanice & Connor whining at me to open "just one present" at mum & dad's. We ended up caving in and they got their way, but I did tell them both if they misbehaved even the slightest for the rest of the day Santa will not come. So far, so good and there have been no hissy fits. But I'm yet to put them to bed. Speaking of which I should be doing that right now.
When they finally fall asleep I have to wrap all the presents. Wish me luck, I may be in for a long night. Trust me to leave it to the last minute. I know I've forgotten something as well as all the batteries forgot to go and buy today.
I finally got my Christmas photo of the kids tonight. Which is very exciting. For both of them to sit and smile at the same time is a huge accomplishment. And it turned out really nice. Shame the batteries died before I could upload them to the puter. I'll share later on though.
I decided last night that I'm going to get started on my A-Z album and I will enter it in the ForKeeps Comp. I know it wont compare to all those fabulously talented scrappers out there, but I think that my theme is a little bit different and it could get a look in. I just need to pull something extra special from somewhere for it all to come together. I do still need to do some research for it though.
It's come to that time of night to put the munchkins to bed, so......
Merry Christmas to all and I hope that Santa brings you all something special to remember for Christmas Day 2005.

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