Saturday, 15 December 2007

happenings of the past week.....

this week has certainly been a busy one for us. let start at the begining.........

and so begins the week of the kids last half week of school for 2007. yes you heard me, my kids kids have finished school already. that's private school for ya! you pay all that money and they are at home longer with you, lol.
this was an exciting day as the kids both came home with their yearky school report - and some exciting news! I was so happy with both of them. Both Shanice and connor had done extrememly well. Shanice has improoved so much this year, we are so proud of her. And then came my proud mummy moment!
Shanice was receiving the "Most Improoved" award at presentation night !!!!!! If any kid deserved this award it certainly is her. she has tried so hard this whole year and her grades have improoved so much. Yep, i'm waffling, lol

both shanice and connor where going to practice all day at St Pauls Grammer ready for presentation night, so they weren't really at school. Shanice was reaceiving her award as well as singing in the senior primary choir and connor was singing in the junior primary choir.
the night started at about 6.15pm, and was the best one we've been to. they are normally so long and boring but this one ran a bit quicker and smoother.
I had my proud moment when shanice got her trophey, and i had a little cry.
then as a treat, they both got maccas chippies on the way home.

the last day of school, and a half day at that!
it was a mufti day, so i had to go and raid the washing basket for shanice's leggings as i haven't been able to wash all week cause of working and the terrible weather.
they were only at school long enough for me to come home and wash up, go over to Sue's to pick up a few things for some Christmas layouts, drive to Blacktown to meet Anthony for an early lunch and pick up a layby from Target (which turned out to have 2 things in there that Connor got for his birthday, lol, so back to square one), and then go and pick them up.
I managed to get a photo this year of both Shanice and Connor with their teachers.

It was also the day that we get the sealed envelope telling all us anxious mums which teacher and class they will be in for next year. Shanice has a new teacher, Mrs Gordon, and she is in the same class as Ethan again which i'm really pleased about (ethan and shancie have been in the same class since kindy!). And Connor i'm stoked about, he has got Mrs Capel, which is his choir teacher and he just loves her.
After we finally left school, i promised to take the kids to Emerton Leisure Centre for a swim before shanice had to go to her last lesson with Lisa. They had a great time swimming and some of their friends from school came with us too which was great.

Saw us waiting for an hour at the doctors! I wanted to get Connor's anxiety back under control before we start Year 2 and i needed a refereal to see another child pschologist as our one with Dr Lydia had exprired. But we have it now and need to wait till monday to make the appointment.
We then went to visit Aunty Dal and the girls for Christmas. The kids love visiting the girls Makayla (almost 3) and Abi (11 months). Dal and got to chat a little in between playing with the kids. I got some great photos of the kids under the Christmas tree.
When Abi went down for her sleep, they made Reindeer food which was very exciting

we stayed home, packing ready for out little holiday.
the kids misbehaved in the afternoon and i told them to go and put all their packed clothes and toys away cause they weren't coming. well i think i broke their hearts, but whatever i did worked because they certainly are behaving now!
i did manage to get a few photo for Christmas of them too

and my cousin, Darrel and Lynsey sent me this cool link. Get the kids to check it out! thanks guys, the kids loved it.

well, that brings us to today. in about 45minutes we are leaving to go up to mums.
We, being me mum mandy and the kids are spending the week up at Smiths Lake in a house right on the lake. Which will be very nice as we all need to get away and are so looking forward to it.
before i go i need to get out of my pj's for a start, wash my hair, pack my scrapping stuff, right a detailed grocery list for Anthony (which will take forever), and then right the list of all the presents that i have bought for the kids incase i need to get a few extra while i'm away. i hate it when it's not even cause the kids - well you know what kids are like.

so until next week.........
eta - i've gone to add photos but blogger seems to being having one of those days, so i'll upload when i get back next week

Thursday, 6 December 2007


............... i do know how to scrap!
I know that my scrapping has been MIA for quite some time now. But i have gotten around to doing a few projects for Scraploot as of late.
Nothing else has been done, but these 2 mini albums have.
The first is a Christmas mini star album. i did it with pictures of the toys that are on Shanice and Connors 2007 wish list from Santa. I'm quite happy with this little one and the kids love it too!

the second one is using the "I can see clearly now... the cover is clear" albums that are exclusive to Scraploot - designed and made by Scraploot.

i chose to do my clear album on Connor. For a few years now he has spoke about wanting to be rock star when he grows up - he's only 7 god love him! so for my album i asked him what his favourite songs were and on the left hand side of each page i printed out the lyrics to that song. and on the right i put a picture of him and the name of the band.The bands are in his prefernce as to who he loves the most and i can so tell he gets his taste from his mother, lol.

Friday, 30 November 2007

in about 3 hours............

I am going to be screaming my head off out in the front row at MCR (my chemical romance) AND I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!

i even went out and had to buy a new top, handbag, necklace and earings to mark the occasion. Anthony is so going to laugh at me, lol.
We are taking Lauren with us, so i'll have someone to scream with and dance like an idiot, cause Ant wont - he keeps it all on the inside.
Trac, god bless her, is having my 2 kids for the night. I think that is a fair trade, lol. Thanks Trac, i owe you one.

I promise i'll be back to normal blogging shortly, im just needing this break right now to get my head around things.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

The Real Friend Test

Yes, i know i'm not really blogging, i'm just putting in emails that i've received, but i'm not in a blogging place right now and these emails are making me feel good!


A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himselfand doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your 'beer/Pepsi drawer' with her foot!

A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend shoulder is soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names.
A real friend has their phone numbersin his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems.
A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it!

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over whenyou have an argument.
A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!

The Little Things

This was an email that my mum sent to me last week, and under the circumstances at the moment i can relate!

As you might know, the head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.
One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off in time
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.
One of them missed his bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.
One's car wouldn't start.
One went back to answer the telephone .
One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.
One couldn't get a taxi.
The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.
Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone . All the little things that annoy me. I think to myself, this is exactly where I am supposed to be at this very moment.
Next time your morning seems to be going wrong - the children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated;
Someone is at work watching over you.
May you continue to be blessed with all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Scrap Girls Cropfest piccies

Here are just a few piccies from our Scrap Girls October 2007 CROPFEST that was on last weekend.

I've been trying to upload them for 2 days now with no like (blogger is having error issues!), so i'll give it another go - fingers crossed.
If any of the ladies that came along have any photos they'd like to share with me I'd love to see them.

The now infamous "scrap girls musical chairs"!!!!

Sue & Natalie, the winner of Musical Chairs

The scrap room at 2am Sunday Morning

Me and my sister Mandy

Spot which one's the craziest

Group Shot

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

piccie snippets

i'm such the bad blogger!!!! i've been sending my blogging time stuck on facebook. is it me cause i just dont get it! i think i'm trying to make it more complicated that it really is.
i've popped in here tonight to post some piccies from out Queensland holiday a few weeks ago! i could do the running comentary, but that's just boring so i'll let the photos speak for themselves.
i will update tomorrow night hopefully of the scrap girls retreat from last weekend!

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

this time last week - 9th oct 07

we were driving thru a massive hail storm on the Gold Coast on our way up to Brissie to see my sister in law and to go an see................. GOOD CHARLOTTE with our brand new tattoos!!!!

I chose this tattoo as it is my dad's tattoo - long story!!!! It is on my same leg but mine is a lot smaller than dads, lol.
It is the first part "OM" of the Buddhist mantra "OmMani Padme Hum", which translates in english to Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus.
the Om part Purifies Bliss and Pride.
You'd know the mantra when you hear the buddhist monks chant it!!!!!

Wait till Ant comes home and i'll upload a piccie of his new tattoo. i must say, i have good taste!

Monday, 15 October 2007

bad blogger!!!!

YES!!! i know i have been very slack with my blog as of late and i will update very soon, i promise

this coming week is a bit of a nightmare for me with my SCRAP GIRLS cropfest starting on Thursday and finishing on Sunday. I am so looking forward to it, but i only have 2 days to prepare and i really shouldn't be here blogging, lol.

So why am i here.................... i need to share................ a friend sent me a funny email this morning that i just had to put on here

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


i'm pretty sure that says it all........

why are there not enough hours in the day?
why is every single corner of my house got a mess in it?
why does it seem that i'm not getting anything done when i'm constantly busy?
why is it as soon as i tidy somewhere a little person or big one is behind me messing it up again?
why do i always get side tracked on the computer?
why am i not motivated to scrap up a storm when i written a list with all my scrapping commitments (all 23 of them)?
why don't those magical cleaning fairies visit ME at night so i can awake to a tidy home?

that being said here i am putting off my tidying by sitting here in front of the puter again!!!!!

todays funny

i can always tell when anthony is having a fantastic day at work and is getting tonnes acomplished (note the sarcasm) i get emails from him filled with funnies.
he sent me a great one not so long ago and i need to share cause i related to it!
now it is american but there is only one teeny tiny part that we didn't get here in Oz.
hope you find it as funny as i did...........

If you are 30 or older...
If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!!

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning . . . uphill BOTH ways . . . through year 'round blizzards. Carrying their younger siblings on their backs . . . to their one-room schoolhouse, where they maintained a Straight-A average, despite their full- time, after-school job at the local textile mill . . . where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to help keep their family from starving to death!

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

But now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!

There was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter . . . with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

There were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up!

And talk of about hardships? You couldn't just download xxx! You had to steal it from your brother or bribe some homeless dude to buy you a copy of "Hustler" at the 7-11! Those were your options!

We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it! And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, a collections agent - you just didn't know!!!You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

We didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like "Space Invaders" and "Asteroids" and the graphics sucked ass! Your guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died!! Just like LIFE!

When you went to the movie theater there no such thing as stadium seating! All the seats were the same height! If a tall guy or some old broad with a hat sat in front of you and you couldn't see, you were just screwed!

Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 15 channels and there was no onscreen menu and no remote control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel and there was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little brats!

And we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove or go build a frigging fire. Imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop thing and shake it over the stove forever like an idiot. That's exactly what I'm talking about!

You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled.You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!!!!!

Monday, 17 September 2007

i loved it

nip tuck season 4 was everything i expected it to be. and i lurved it!!!!!!!
i sat down and started watching it at about 12noon on Tuesday and watched 9 episodes and thought that at midnight i really should turn it off. had to work on wednesday but as soon as i got home it was back on to watch the last 2 disc, with 6 episodes remaining.
only a short season, but GREAT!!!!!

i'm an absolute shocker for telling everyone the details, so if you want to know what happens, email me and i'll fill you in. cause who knows if they'll air it here in oz this year!

oh and btw thanks for that comments and emails letting me know i wasn't the only one who loves it.
Bring on season 5 Nip Tuck in LA!!!!!! crap did i let the cat out of the bag, lol

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

it's here

be prepared for me to go missing for the next couple of days........
it arrived this morning. i have been waiting very patiently, i might add for the past 12 months for it to be realised (in the states that is, who knows when it would be released here in Oz and i just can't wait that long). i have already watched the first 3 eposides and no doubt will finish another 3 before i finally fall asleep tonight

Anthony has been warned that dinner/cleaning/washing/ and looking after kids has now been put on the back burner until i have completed watching all 5 discs.
God love him! i think he's more angry cause i started watching it without him
it's sooooo not everyone's tastes but i just LURVE Nip Tuck!!!!!!

Monday, 10 September 2007

another year older.......

i tried so hard to convince my kids that the reason we were having a long weekend in Sydney this weekend was because it was mine and nan's(my mum) birthday!!!!! They soooooo didn't believe me, lol.
But how nice was it of the government to be thinking of me LOL!!!!!!!giving me and mum and extra day to celebrate.

I was lucky enough to be born on my mum's birthday many years ago. And i just love that i can spend my day sharing it with my most favourite person in the world.

this year was extra specail as dad was still here and he sung happy birthday to us.
even though it rained most of the day, it was a lovely day to spend it with my whole family.
i was totally spoilt rotten. i can't believe how much i was spoilt. just so can remember (cause i'm bound to forget by next week) this is what i got:
* Nip Tuck Season 4 has just left the states and should be here in the next couple of days -YAY!!!!! so can't wait
* "How to kill your husband and other handy household hints" book from the kids
* dvd of primal fear from the kids (love that movie)
* hair straightner from my sister
* sister magnets from - my sister
* hair stuff from my sister
* an invitation to High Tea from Mandy (so cant wait as i've been dying to go)
* a gorgeous new black handbag
* an new pair of shoes from mum and dad
* 2 pairs of denim shorts from mum and dad
* a pair of brown cargo type pants from mum and dad
* 5 gorgeous new tops from mum and dad
* a basket full of make up from mum and dad (my mum is like an elephant and remembers the slightly little comments i make like "i'm out of foundation and i need some new lipstick" - god love a')

i was so excited by all my presents that i came home and took a photo of them all, lol

the bestest birthday present of all was my husband giving my mum a brand new $500 bbq. mum was not expecting this and she was so lost for words. but it's just a little something we can give to her for all the things she has done for us over the years. and i know your thinking a bbq for you mum!!!! you see there is a story with the old bbq and thats why she needed a new one, to start some new and happy memories.

The yummy treats my sister whipped up for me and mum
From Angelic to scary! in 3 seconds flat, lol
not many piccies from the day as i was too busy enjoying every minute of it!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

a luna eclispe (yes i know it was last week, lol)

I'm a bit slow............
This term Shanice has been studying Space. She has been thriving on it which is so great for you self esteem. And as luck would have it while they are studying space we are lucky enough to encounter a luna eclispe.
So last tuesday night every 10 minutes me and kids snuck out into the back yard to see the moon changing. We took a few happy snaps along the way, which turned out well before the moon turned red and then cause it was so dark my little fiji found it difficult to focus on the dark sky. But they were still good shots for shanice to take into school.
The kids loved seeing this amazing thing happening to the moon, and then i had to try and explain it!!! LOL!!! Good thing shanice is learning all about it as she did a better job than me using kids language.

Anyways........ yesterday i recieved an email from my gorgeous sister mandy with some photos from the eclispe. It would seem that a friend from her work had taken these shots from his telescope. They are great, so much better than mine, lol.
So here's a little share.

Monday, 3 September 2007

busy, busy, busy

So what's new in the Sheppard-Morris household. It certainly doesn't stop here, lol.
The weather has been absolutly gorgeous in the past week and the kids have just loved playing outside. In true Spring fashion we took a little trip to bunnings to pick some gardening stuff in the vain attempt to make a pretty spring garden. The kids have taken it upon themselves to claim it as their own and are doing well at looking after the new herb planter box.
Yesterday was Father's Day and with Anthony's parents jet setting across Wales and America for the next seven weeks we spent the day up at my parents. It was a glorious day and in the perfect light i ran around like a mad woman snapping away at anything that remotely smiled in my direction.
Connor helping make lunch
Giving my sister Mandy a pedicure with a kids chalk duster, lol!!!
The Holden blimp flew right over head. Look at that sky!
Family photo time. Now you know where Connor gets his crazyness from.
Note to self - need to photoshop the colour, too dark and shadowy!