Monday 29 May 2006

lady of leisure......

Today was my first day at home as a "Stay At Home Mum". That sounds so funny, cause both my kids are now at big school, lol. I rushed around today, because that what I normally do on mondays so the house is ready for tomorrow when I'm normally at work, but I at lunch time I realised that I don;t need to as I've got all day tomorrow to do some more, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday. It feels so strange. I've never NOT worked. I worked right up to 2 weeks before having both of my children and then went back after 4 months at home with them.
SO....... what to sahm's do?
I'm sure I'll find ways to fill my days with scrapping and cleaning and working on Scrap Girls.
So today, I finished this. I'm so productive, lol.

Shanice and I went on our Girl Guide camp on the weekend. I'm now stuffed and I don;t think I want to go on another one for a long, long time. I think a group of 50 scrappers is easier to deal with than 7 screaming girls aged 7-10. In the end I guess we had a good time, I know the girls did and that's the main thing.

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