Tuesday, 28 July 2009


the brand new KYLIE
as from yesterday i have started on the path to a new ME!
i have been finding myself in a rut for the past few months and had no idea how to get out of it and with some help from family and friends i now have a plan - now like a rewards chart come roster, lol.

* The new Kylie gets out of bed at 7.15am every weekday morning - check! so far so good i have achieved this one and loving it. i never knew you could get so much done in the morning before school.
* The new Kylie makes sure that there is a load of washing ready to be hung out as soon as dropping the kids at school - check!
* The new Kylie is to eat breakfast and lunch - check, check! By eating these two meals i am not snacking as much in the afternoon.
* the new Kylie writes herself 3 jobs that she wants to accomplish in the day and gets them done - check! Yep, I'm a list writer and i LOVE crossing things off the list once they are done, this is my reward chart, just the sense of satisfaction of getting the things crossed off. silly i know!
* The new Kylie uses her new X-Trainer everyday - ..................................... i do have a legitimate excuse for not using it today though - Connor was home sick and i just couldn't! so there! I will definitely though tomorrow
* The new Kylie goes to bed by 10.30pm - check! OMG this is so hard for me as I'm such a night owl, but i am trying so hard to make sure i get there in time.

So in celebration of the new me i have just spent the past 2 hours doing a new blog. Still needs some fiddling, but I'm loving the freshness of it!


Unknown said...

You're a breath of fresh air new Kylie!!!! even the old Kylie was xxx

Love the new look!

Tracy said...

Very Very proud of you Luvie!!! I still cannot believe you are up at 7.17AM!!! I am in shock and in bed at 10.30pm, WOW!!!
Good for you and I hope this makes you feel much better.
See you soon.... Looking forward to lunch on Thursday ;)
Trac x

Chris Millar said...

Hi Kylie, sounds like you've made some wonderful postive changes!! Hope that all works well for you.
Just making sure you received my email.

Unknown said...

WEll hello new Kylie!! I love you as much as I loved the old Kylie ... you give awesome hugs!! lol