what's a blog again???????
Yes, i know i've been a very slack blogger as of late. and now so much has passed i just dont know where to start.
i suppose the
RETREAT would be the best place..........
I don't have much to report on it unfortunately :( because on the friday night i could feel the flu coming on - grrrr. so i toddled off to bed at 2am (an early one!) and got up for 7am to open up for the early bird scrappers, and 9am i was feeling that crook i said to tracey and sheree that i've just got to go back to bed. thank god for my 2 gorgeous friends they ran the whole show for me, because i then only rose for 30minutes at 4pm and then slept again til 2am sunday morning.
I tell you what, i got that nasty, nasty flu that has hit. and i normally dont get sick.
From the stories i've heard and the feedback i have received, the ladies that came along had an awesome time. so much so they all asked to do it again next year, which is a great sign, so i booked in straight away!!!!
I am so pleased that it was a success and everyone had a great time. after all my dramas leading up to it i was a bit apprehensive about how this retreat would turn out, but the lovely feedback i got made it all worthwhile!
thanks ladies for all coming along and having a great time. i can't wait till next year now to meet you all properly.
the normal day to day stuff has been full on lately. here's a run down
- shanice lost her 7th tooth and i didn't realise it was wobbly
- connor is starting to play ALF (god help us all!!!!!)
- I've started a new job. I now work for SCRAPLOOT - yay!!!!
- I also teach at scraploot too. what a hoot that is, lol
- Scrap Girls is keeping me busier than ever. The october cropfest has double my oroginal budget, which is fantastic.
- i've had a few down days. feel like i've pissed a friend off but have no idea why? it hurts, just want to know what i've done/said or not done
- Anthony has started at the gym (giggle) as part of his workers comp package for his back. he's loving it which is good
- the family paver we bought to go in the pathway at the kids school as part of the 10 year anniversary has gone down and it looks fabulous. the kids think it's great cause having such a long name stands out so everyone sees it
- been trying to go up and see mum and dad at least twice a week. dad's not awake much anymore cause of the morphine he has to keep having. seeing dad like this is upsetting the kids not in a bad way, Connor especially he cry's at times cause he's sad and it breaks my heart. i'm finding it extremely difficult to deal with and would rather not! yes, i'm in denial that my dad is extremely ill and wont be with us much longer, i never thought this would be my way of dealing with it all - but it is!
- my baby sat her Year 3 basic skills last week. because of having severe dyslexia she got special privileges - extra time, breaks, extra supervision and a reader. she said she did her best and i'm proud of her what ever the piece of paper says because she tried.
- Shanice made this awesome diorama for a mini project on space. there was a little bit of help from all of us too.
It's Anthony's birthday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!!!!!!!
Cause wednesday is our crazy day we had a family dinner last night. Ant's mum & dad, sister and 2 nephews came over and we have the good ol' family b'day dinner favourite - pizza.
Tonight he decided that after Shanice's lesson he'd go rock climbing with a mate and take shanice along too cause she loves it. well, first climb and on the way back down shanice put her legs down to land, the rope jammed and she spun and slammed into the wall. Her left shoulder is all swallen and she's in a bit of pain but is being very brave. she did 3 more clims after that though.
well, i suppose after this catch up, i really should go and do the washing up!