Sunday, 22 August 2010

Shanice's last open day....

I cant believe that this year was Shanice's last Open Day book week parade at school. Has she really been at school 7 years already?....... high school in less than 6 months!

So, I went all out this year and made the kids costumes. I think they really loved them. And Shanice really did look like Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
The day started at 12 noon when we met the kids in their classrooms. Anthony, myself and Hunter went to Shanice first and Mum & Mandy went to Connor, then we swapped.
Of course this doesn't last long as the kids are too excited to do the treasure hunt and spend all their parents (and grandparents) money at the book fair.
After lunch we then headed into the schools new gym for the parade.
The teachers always dress up in the theme and do some little dance number which is always funny. This year they did Snow White. The principal was the Prince, the deputy was a bear, the head of primary was a frog, all the class teacher were dwarfs and one of the lucky teachers was Snow white.
In keeping with tradition, Shanice had her grumpy face on, lol.
It really was a lovely day and one i wont forget...... as my big girl is growing up far too fast.

Shanice as Alice

Connor as a knight

The terrors:)
Shanice & Britney with mum

Hunter having a little lie down with Snow White - he was so adorable and all the teachers came up to me and said that you cant half tell he is Connor's cousin

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